For those with the means, indulge yourself; for those with the dreams, enjoy yourself.

… a world that creates a current around fine properties, products, and services, stimulating the senses of those who cherish intrinsic value and style.

Our mission is to provide the international forum devoted to estate life at its best. Our magazine, our web site and app, and our network continue to offer the consummate source for the properties, products, and services that estate connoisseurs intuitively prefer.

The Estates Network members, top-producing brokers from around the globe, hand-select their most valued estate clients to receive Leading Estates of the World magazine as their personal gift.
It is the world’s first and foremost wish book.

Our advertising clients are among the most prestigious and sophisticated in the world. Not only is Leading Estates of the World the perfect place to be, it’s effective. Former president of Architectural Digest, H. Stephen Cranston shared: “Leading Estates of the World is an excellent venue for reaching the same type of customers as AD — wealthy, sophisticated, and determined to have the best in quality.” Clearly, advertising success is a response to the message, but it is also a direct reflection of the pleasurable, anticipatory, acquisitive state of mind of our magazine readers.
Discretion and confidentiality are the hallmarks of our network. Clients have told us how satisfied they are with our magazine’s achievements, some so much so, that they offered for publication these testimonials. Cher commented: “You have permission to use my name for the feature on my Malibu beach house. Your magazine is one of the few I always get for myself.” James Garner said: “My wife and I were so pleased with the feature on our California ranch.” Michael J. Kaiser wrote: “I advertised the $5 million Henry J. Kaiser estate in St. Croix over a period of years in ten magazines, including Architectural Digest and Town & Country. It sold from the first call from Leading Estates of the World.”

We distribute to a private and exclusive audience, drawn from the highest income brackets worldwide—not the type to respond to reader surveys. Our reader profile, therefore, is based on our members’ client profiles and clearly demonstrates the quality of our readership. We have an even ratio of men and women readers. The majority are professionals, owners or executives of major corporations, or highly accomplished in sports, entertainment, or politics. A significant number enjoy multiple residences as well as an aircraft and/or luxury yacht

As the first network of its kind, we comprise a peerless collection of distinguished professionals, whose combined experience in marketing elite estates spans generations. Leveraging both a print and digital magazine experience, we reach targeted and qualified audiences worldwide. Founders, Pamela and Robert H. Kelsey, laid the cornerstone in 1969 with the first edition. Today, and with an archive of 100+ issues, Leading Estates of the World continues to be distributed to the top clients of our exclusive network of the world’s premier real estate brokers.